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The ADI Part Three Test

What happens during the test

A Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency examiner will watch you give a client-centred driving lesson lasting about an hour to one of your pupils.

The examiner will look for evidence that you meet the national standard for driver and rider training.

Your pupil

Your pupil can be a learner or a full licence holder.

They cannot be an approved driving instructor (ADI) or someone else who is preparing to take the ADI part 3 test.

You can take your trainer or mentor with you, but they cannot take part in the lesson.

What you’ll be marked on

You’ll be marked on 17 areas of competence that are grouped into 3 categories:

The 17 areas of competence are listed in the ADI part 3 test report form, which the examiner will fill in at the end of your test.

You’ll get a score from 0 to 3 for each of the 17 competencies, which are added up to work out if you’ve passed the test, and what your grade will be.

Your test result

After you give the lesson, the examiner will discuss your performance and give you your result.

You’ll get your grade, along with your completed approved driving instructor (ADI) part 3 test report form.

Total score Grade Description

You’ll automatically fail if:

If you pass

You can apply for your first ADI badge if you pass the ADI part 3 test.

You must apply within 12 months of passing the test, or you’ll have to pass all 3 qualifying tests again.

If you do not pass

You can take the test again if you fail the first or second attempt. You must book the next attempt within 2 years of passing your ADI part 1 test.

If you chose the extra training option (option 2) when you applied for your trainee licence, you must do 5 hours of extra training before you retake the test.

Failing the third attempt

You have to retake and pass the ADI part 1 test and ADI part 2 test again if you fail the ADI part 3 test at your third attempt.

You must wait 2 years from when you originally passed the ADI part 1 test before you can take it again.

Appeal your ADI part 3 test

You can appeal if you think your examiner did not follow the regulations when they carried out your test.

Your test result cannot be changed, but you might get a free retest if your appeal is successful.

You have to appeal to a magistrate’s court or sheriff’s court.

You must appeal to a:

magistrate’s court within 6 months if you took your test in England or Wales

sheriff’s court within 21 days if you took your test in Scotland